HDFC Coalition and our attorneys meet with City Council Staff

HDFC Coalition and our attorneys met with City Council Staff on Nov. 21, 2016. Left to right: Attorney Sheila E. Small, Attorney Emma Lupu, Sylvia Tyler, Wil Buckery, Glory Ann Hussey Kerstein, Michael Palma Mir, Tina DiFeliciantonio, Attorney Edward Filemyr, John McBride.
HDFC Coalition and our attorneys met with City Council Staff on Nov. 21, 2016. Left to right: Attorney Sheila E. Small, Attorney Emma Lupu, Sylvia Tyler, Wil Buckery, Glory Ann Hussey Kerstein, Michael Palma Mir, Tina DiFeliciantonio, Attorney Edward Filemyr, John McBride.

Activism is beginning to get results! HDFC Coalition Steering Committee members along with experienced HDFC attorneys working pro-bono on behalf of the Coalition met with City Council Staff members on November 21st.  We advised the City Council to not pass tax legislation that would enable HPD’s coercive proposal and onerous Regulatory Agreement, but to instead consult with HDFC shareholders to create real solutions that would help not hurt HDFCs. Your voices are being heard! But we all need to do even more: We need you and your neighbors to keep organizing and calling your elected officials. Please remember to have all your neighbors sign up on our mailing list down below on this page (the blue section) and click here to see what you can do NOW to make your voice heard!

We are looking to set up another general meeting for HDFC shareholders in the near future where we can report on our progress, and the break off into groups by City Council district so you can meet fellow shareholders in your area and focus your efforts on your local elected officials!  It will be informative, fun, and empowering to organize with people in your area!