Please RSVP at this link if possible: Facebook event link
The HDFC Coalition is hosting a meeting for HDFC shareholders to be informed as to recent efforts by the City and other groups to very substantially change the regulations currently affecting HDFCs. We will also be organizing ourselves to meet the challenge of ensuring that any proposed legislation is truly optional, truly benefits HDFCs and does not destroy the current regulatory environment upon which many HDFCs depend for their survival. (We are not the HDFC Task Force, which is an effort that is not led by HDFC shareholders.)
We will discuss the issues and create clear positions that we will move forward in upcoming discussions with our political representatives and the HDFC community.
Join us! Together, we can, and we will!
Monday, May 16, 2016 at 6:30pm
601 West 136th Street – Suite # 1
New York, NY 10031
Take the #1 train to 137th St.-City College stop Click here for Google Map
The HDFC Coalition, founded in 1992, is the voice of HDFC shareholders City-wide. We are you and you are us!